ICCBR 2024: 32nd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2024)

July 1-4 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

The International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) is the premier, annual meeting of the case-based reasoning (CBR) community and the leading international conference on this topic. The CBR community welcomes contributions from participants representing all affiliations (e.g., academic, industry, government) and from all communities applying CBR or conducting relevant research.

CBR for socio-ecological welfare is this year’s conference theme to direct the community’s attention to the need to highlight the role CBR can play in solving current social and ecological problems. Conference submissions are not limited to the conference theme, though the organizers are especially interested in papers that do address this theme. ICCBR’24 will be hosted in Merida, Yucatán, Mexico, July 1-4, 2024.

Please note that this edition will have early and late deadlines to allow attendants to book their trip to Mexico in advance:

Early Submission Deadline February 25, 2024
Early Submission Notification March 18, 2024
Late Submission Deadline April 1, 2024
Late Submission Notification April 19, 2024 April 17, 2024
Conference dates July 1-4, 2024

Authors can submit their papers either to the early or late submission deadlines. However, if you submit to the early round you may have the chance to resubmit to the late deadline.

The early revision round will evaluate papers as "accepted", "rejected", or "rejected with option to resubmit". The authors of rejected papers with the option to resubmit in the early round can submit a revised version to the late submission deadline. In case a paper was rejected in the early round, it cannot be resubmitted to the late deadline.

If you miss the early deadline you can submit directly to the late submission round. The late round works as a regular revision and it will evaluate papers as "accepted" or "rejected".

After both rounds of revision, accepted papers will be considered for poster or oral presentation based on the reviews and the most effective mode of presenting them to the ICCBR audience.

CBR for socio-ecological welfare

Case-Based Reasoning emerges as a crucial asset in advancing socio-ecological welfare by leveraging past experiences to tackle present challenges. CBR's ability to draw parallels between historical cases and current situations equips us with a valuable mechanism for informed decision-making in complex socio-ecological contexts for addressing environmental issues, resource management, and societal needs. This approach bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering practical solutions that consider the nuances of local conditions while aligning with broader ecological goals. In fostering a learning loop that continually refines our responses, Case-Based Reasoning can contribute significantly to nurturing a sustainable and thriving coexistence between humanity and the natural world.

Review Criteria

Each submission must be identified as presenting (1) theoretical/methodological research, (2) applied research/emerging applications, (3) a deployed application, or (4) Literature surveys. It will be reviewed using criteria appropriate to its category. These criteria are as follows:

  1. Theoretical/methodological research: Scientific significance, originality, technical quality, and clarity;
  2. Applied research/emerging applications: Significance for theoretical research or promise for application deployment;
  3. Deployed application: Demonstrated practical significance; originality; treatment of issues of engineering, management, and user acceptance; and clarity;
  4. Literature survey: Well-developed body of research, inclusion of works from several authors, significance, clarity, open research questions.

Topics of Interest

Submissions relevant to all areas of CBR are welcome, including (but not limited to):

Foundations of Case-based Reasoning

CBR and related research topics

CBR Tasks

CBR Techniques, Systems & Applications applied to:


Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. All papers must be formatted using Springer's LNCS formatting guidelines.

Submission Procedure

Authors must submit a full paper by the conference paper submission deadline, formatted according to the Springer LNCS formatting guidelines (

Papers (submitted and final) should be no longer than 14 pages plus up to two additional pages for references. Please submit papers using the EasyChair conference management system here:

Multiple Submission Policy

Papers submitted to other conferences must state this fact as a footnote on page 1, and please also notify the program co-chairs by email. If a paper will appear in another conference or journal, it must be withdrawn from ICCBR 2024 proceedings.

Author Registration Policy

For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of the authors must register for the conference by the camera-ready copy deadline. Papers must be presented by one of the authors at the conference live. There will be no video presentations.


Program Chairs

Local Chairs

Workshop Chair

Doctoral Consortium Chair

Advisory Committee


All questions about submissions should be emailed to the conference chairs using the following email address: