Beyond Attribute-Value Case Representation (BEAR) Workshop

July 1 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

The 2nd BEAR workshop discusses research work, CBR applications, and systems where typical attribute-value case representations reach their limits and complex case representations such as object-oriented, textual, graph-structured, time-oriented (time series), hierarchical or hybrid representations need to be used as well as practical applications of such case representations, that imply necessary (research) challenges. In general, these challenges affect all phases of the CBR cycle. For example, the complex case representation impacts the performance of similarity-based retrieval and adaptation. In addition, it affects the use of other AI methods integrated with CBR. In this workshop, participants shall present their research with complex case representations focusing on general challenges and the impact on the CBR phases or on the application of such representations. The workshop aims to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among researchers, developers, and others who use complex case representations that go beyond attribute-value case representations.

Topics of Interest

  • Representation, Authoring, Elicitation, and Visualization of Complex Case Representations (Text, Graphs, Workflows/Processes, Plans, Time Series Data, IoT Sensor Data, etc.)
  • Similarity-Based Retrieval Methods for Complex Cases
  • Learning of Similarity Measures
  • Adaptation Methods for Complex Case Representation, Transfer Learning
  • Hybrid AI for Complex Case Representation (e.g., Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Large Language Models)
  • Explainability, Cognition Approaches for Complex Case Representations
  • Evaluation of CBR Systems using Complex Case Representations
  • Methods for Supporting Users in the Revise-Phase, User Experience
  • Tools and Techniques for the Retainment of Complex Cases, Maintenance
  • Application Scenarios and Use Cases for Complex Cases (such as Medical Applications, Software Engineering, Administration, Gaming, etc.)
  • CBR Frameworks, or Systems supporting Complex Case Representations or Using Real-World Data


We invite papers written in English and formatted according to the CEUR-WS template that you can find here, in the following two categories: Short Papers (5-10 pages max., including references) and Full Papers (10-16 pages max., including references). Short papers and full papers will be subject to peer review based on the standard criteria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas, soundness, and quality of the presentation.

Accepted papers will be included in the CEUR-WS proceedings, indexed by SCOPUS and Google Scholar, ensuring wide dissemination of your valuable work.

For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of the authors must register for the AI track by the camera-ready copy deadline. Papers must be presented by one of the authors at the conference live. There will be no video presentations.


Please, check the workshop website for submission instructions.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: April 17, 2024
Camera-ready Version: May 1, 2024
Special Track Date: July 1, 2024

Organizing Committee

Contact Information

For further details, visit the website at, or contact the special track chairs.