Workshop on Case-Based Agents

July 1 Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

In the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the synergy between intelligent agents and case-based reasoning (CBR) stands as a promising interaction, holding the potential to advance both areas. Intelligent agents, designed to cope with limited computational resources, must perceive their environment and make decisions to achieve goals, while CBR techniques are rooted in harnessing sometimes incomplete knowledge of past experiences to reason effectively in complex situations. Both disciplines have progressed in recent years, but there have been few dedicated meetings on their intersection. This workshop proposal aims to facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas, methodologies, and innovations between these two disciplines. By merging intelligent agents, which typically leverage abstract knowledge representations, with the experience- focused design of the case-based reasoning methodology, this collaborative endeavor seeks to advance the frontiers of AI, fostering more in-depth insights and novel applications.

Topics of Interest

Integration of CBR with generative AI (GenAI) agents

  • CBR as a plugin for a GenAI (e.g., LLM) agent
  • Using LLMs to learn models for case-based agents
  • Using CBR to facilitate GenAI agent development

CBR and agent architectures

  • Models of agency
  • Integrated models of memory
  • Reactive and deliberative approaches
  • Agent development methodologies and frameworks – Evaluation of agent architectures

CBR and agent reasoning

  • Integrated planning and acting
  • Goal reasoning for agents with changing goals – Plan recognition and theory of mind
  • Metacognition
  • tate estimation and conceptual inference
  • Explanations and justifications
  • Recovery from failure

CBR and agent communication and coordination

  • CBR for dynamic multi-agent environments
  • Case-based teamwork and coordination
  • Case-based negotiation and collective decision-making

CBR and learning agents

  • Self-improving CBR agents
  • Case-based learning by observation/demonstration – CBR and reinforcement learning
  • CBR and multi-strategy learning

Applications: CBR and ...

  • Robotics
  • Virtual agents (e.g., Game AI, simulation and training environments, interactive storytelling)
  • Assistive agents (e.g., recommender agents, chatbots)
  • Intelligent decision aids
  • Tutoring agents


This workshop will be held on July 1, 2024 as part of the ICCBR 2024 workshop series in Merida, Mexico. This workshop is open to all interested conference participants, but may be limited by available room facilities. We plan to invite some senior members of the CBR community to discuss their work on this topic. We also welcome long (between 10 and up to 16 pages, including references) and short (between 5 and up to 9 pages, including references) submissions. We specifically encourage short submissions, between 5-9 pages, on demonstrations.
The Organizing Committee will select a subset of the submitted papers for oral presentation and, possibly, poster presentation. In addition, we will arrange a panel that addresses popular interests among the participants. Time for discussion sessions devoted to specific topics of interest will also be reserved, as will time for brief demonstrations. We will also encourage attendance of those who do not wish to submit a paper. Please contact the co-chairs with any specific questions.

Accepted papers will be included in the CEUR-WS proceedings, indexed by SCOPUS and Google Scholar, ensuring wide dissemination of your valuable work.

For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of the authors must register for the AI track by the camera-ready copy deadline. Papers must be presented by one of the authors at the conference live. There will be no video presentations.


Please, check the workshop website for submission instructions.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: April 17, 2024
Camera-ready Version: May 1, 2024
Special Track Date: July 1, 2024

Organizing Committee

Contact Information

For further details, visit the website at, or contact the special track chairs.